About Maya Wang

Maya Wang's expertise for male issues about Premature Ejaculation, Erectile Dysfunction through Mantra Therapy sessions and her book "Mantra Gym". And the first person discovered there are 4 G-spots in men and 5 in women. Maya Wang resides in Singapore, holds a Diploma in Holistic Massage- ITEC (UK) Qualification Certificate, and is a professional body therapist. She studied Traditional Chinese Body Massage in 1996 and had special training courses for Lingam Massage in Singapore in 1999. Her years of experience have been enriched by techniques and expertise in Thai Massage, Swedish Massage, Japanese Shiatsu, Balinese Massage, Javanese Massage, and Ayurveda healing. She has drawn knowledge from these essential styles and combined them with her creative methods to form a unique, full-body, professional therapy for males named Mantra Therapy. Mantra Therapy is most like Tantric Massage. Based on her more than ten thousand Mantra Therapy sessions, she has created an e-book Mantra Gym. For more information about Maya Wang's eBook Mantra Gym, please visit www.mantraGym.com. For more information about Maya Wang and her practice, please visit www.myMantraSG.com.

JuaGen Benefit (Manhood Massage Benefit)

JuaGen Benefit

Before the JuaGen, Manhood Massage benefits, let me explain. 

What is JuaGen?

JuaGen means massage manhood (directly). JuaGen (抓根) is a Mandarin localism word in Singapore. It is also called Manhood Massage, Manhood Therapy, JuaGen Therapy, or Lingam Massage (a Sanskrit word).

Since the JuaGen technique is an essential treatment to focus on a male’s private part, in the meantime, it’s also beneficial to the surroundings and the urination system.

Manhood Massage review (before-after the session): 

manhood massage, JuaGen Benefit, JuaGen, JuaGen Singapore, Manhood Massage, before-after JuaGen, manhood massage singapore

Manhood Massage WhatsApp review after the session: 

JuaGen, JuaGen Benefit, JuaGen review, JuaGen Singapore, juagen massage, manhood massage, before-after JuaGen, Maya Wang mantra, manhood massage (juagen) reviews


Manhood Massage Benefit:

  • Manhood Massage eases blood blockages to enrich blood circulation to create sexual energy.
  • Supercharge the libido. To make a firm erection, center the blood to the center region by the therapy and for lasting longer in bed.
  • JuaGen Therapy balances Male hormones, Testosterone for sperm production.
  • The enhanced blood circulation powers up cells and muscles regrowing and regeneration to slow down the aging process for sexual organs.
  • Juagen is the best detoxing therapy for the body’s exit systems and the best for metabolism.
  • JuaGen Therapy helps prevent common male sexual issues like Premature Ejaculation, Erectile Dysfunction, etc.
  • Super boost blood vessels, sexual performance, recharged orgasmic subsequently to refresh the body and mind.
  • Manhood Massage is a holistic natural way to preserve a male’s sexual well-being.
  • JuaGen empowers the Qi flowing for balancing and cultivating the whole body.
  • JuaGen Massage also eliminates toxins from the body and boosts the immune system.
  • Reduce stomach bloating to flatten the tummy.
  • Manhood Therapy raises urine function. It improves the blood flow to the muscles to force urine out. Lift the ability to urinate freely to reduce urine difficulty.
  • Lowered depression.

Around the world, especially in Asia, different Lingam Massage and styles service this part of a male’s body for health care purposes. Most men seek pure Manhood Therapy when they have signs that alert them that aging is down there. 

Developed JuaGen with Prostate Massage to Mantra Therapy

I’m a top-notched body therapist in Singapore and have developed the simple JuaGen Technique from my learning in 1999. I combined Manhood Massage (JuaGen) with Prostate Stimulation and named it Mantra Therapy. Mantra Therapy brought inside-out professional treatment. It’s mainly for the male’s Reproductive and Urinates systems. My so many clients got JuaGen benefit time by time.

I was praised as The Artist by my client in 2006. Mantra Therapy has been the trademark since 2015. At the same time, I have been selected and recognized as a Top Professional in Sensuality Therapy by most leading authorities of ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox. 

Coaching Male JuaGen Technique by Mantra Gym to Achieve Massage Manhood Benefit

I have practiced Mantra Therapy – Lingam Massage and Prostate Massage for nearly two decades in Singapore. Essential from my all-over-the-world clients’ experience, I published my book Mantra Gym in 2015. By implanting Mantra Therapy techniques into exercise, men can do self-care for manhood regularly. It is like men doing a gym workout to get the JuaGen Benefits.

In Mantra Gym, I share my unique, rare, unseen, and enlightening sexual knowledge that inspires everyone! Just an iceberg to peek at: our orgasm is up to three levels; our normal orgasm is just a fundamental first level for males. Is this sounding for males who have missed out too much on sexual pleasure since then?! I bet you would say “Yes”! 

Mantra Therapy and Mantra Gym are all for you to know our-self COMPLETELY! We are capable more. I am here to show you more!

But, if you are not in Singapore, you need to jump to www.mantraGym.com now to download the ebook Mantra Gym! By following the step-by-step guide to exercise. You still can have the Manhood Massage benefits.

If you are in Singapore, you can have both. By having my magic healing hands on you in the Mantra Therapy session, you are an ever-refresh-new-man to get the JuaGen Benefits. So, let me, the top-notch level therapist help you. Click HERE to book a session. Now!

By |2023-09-09T18:42:12+08:00July 13th, 2020|

How I Have Found 4 G-spots in Men And It Led Me Found 5 G-spots in Women!

How I Have Found 4 G-spots in Men And It Led Me Found 5 G-spots in Women!

You might wonder: “How it’s possible that men have 4 G-spots and women have 5? I know women have got 1 G-spot, but I don’t know exactly where it is!”

Well, let me share with you my extraordinary discoveries of our sexuality.

I’m a sensuality body therapist, provide Lingam (Manhood) Massage and Prostate Massage. I learned these secret skills in 1999 from a gentleman who I met in Singapore. I’ve developed it from those basic techniques and named it Mantra Therapy. Since then I have served thousands and thousands of male clients from all over the world with these unique skills.

In the Lingam Massage part, I use a technique that I’ve named the Mantra Delaying Cords (MDC) to control a man’s ejaculation and to make him achieve Multiple-orgasms.

In the Prostate Massage part, I stimulate the prostate which leads the man to achieve high-level Full-body-orgasm.

Most clients have indeed achieved Full-body-orgasm. These are some of the ways they have described the feeling:

  • The orgasm was not from my penis.
  • I felt like electricity shooting from my inner core to all over my body, to my fingertips, to my toes, to my head.
  • I felt tingling, trembling.
  • I have never had these feelings in my whole life, it’s better than sex.
    (I replied to him: Sex is good, what I did is is with magic, they are just different, we need them both)
  • I felt a fireball exploding inside me.
  • The orgasm was everywhere in my body.

And also gave me some other feedback about sexual abilities enhanced:

  • My morning erection was back right after the next day morning of your treatment.
  • I always have better sex after your sessions.
  • You brought my libido back.
  • My urination is so smooth after your treatment.
  • My erection is harder than before and I have the energy to hold it longer than I used to.
  • You have created a monster.

I’ve been receiving a lot more encouraging feedback from my clients from time to time.

In the early period of my practice, I made a client achieve Double-wet-ejaculations by stimulating his prostate. The two ejaculations happened just a few moments apart. I usually made one that was able to last few minutes; this was my first time, and I can’t say I made it on purpose. After this, I tried to repeat this on the same person and others, but I couldn’t make it happen again. But it made me think that there must have been some point, or that there was some spot that I was not stimulating.

Besides those fantastic results, I’ve been conscious that our sexuality is far more complex than we realize, and I sensed men and women had something in common. The man’s anus is so sensitive from both the outside and inside when it is arousing. It even secretes lubricating fluids just like a vagina in motion!

The years went by…, and at the end of 2013, I started to write Mantra Gym. There is a mission inside of me to pass my unique sexual messages to everyone who is in need. Our body is capable of many possibilities that I’ve experienced every day, but the world isn’t widely aware of yet; this is a matter for everyone. To describe the prostate part was so challenging and I took more time for this part than the others. I was not satisfied just to say that it was a prostate milking.

Well, I practised Mantra Therapy techniques every day then wrote them down on with a full focus on this part even when I was off work, having meals and sleeping. I couldn’t get it out of my head for a single moment. I finally got inspiration from the Perineum. It was like a lightning flash in my head, suddenly it all made sense to me why that client had had a Double-wet-ejaculations a few years back. It was because of the G-spots! I had somehow, accidentally, randomly massaged his G-spots and triggered it!

This breakthrough discovery made my practice on the prostate part a huge leap. I’ve been able to make my clients (who are comfortable and enjoy the penetration) achieve Multiple-full-body-orgasms when they are under my control.

Here is what I do, besides stimulating on the prostate, while also stimulating on the 4 G-spots combined with my delaying method that would lead men to achieve episodic dry and/or wet Mixed-full-body-orgasms. The one thing my clients need to comply with me is to breathe by following my lead, adjust the breathing volume and speed.

Then the magic happens! Often during stimulation of the prostate and the 4 G-spots as this TARGETED stimulation is much more effective.

Here is a few case study: 

  • Mr. A, a 30-years-old man, during the Prostate Massage part, achieved a Dry-full-body-orgasm at first (he felt full body in orgasm but without ejaculation).
    The second one was Wet-full-body-orgasm (he felt full body in orgasm this time with ejaculation).
    His third orgasm was a repeat of the first Dry-full-body-orgasm.
    Mr. A had 5 sessions with me. He gained multiple dry and wet Mixed-full-body-orgasms in every session since I stimulated his 4 G-spots.
  • Mr. B, a 36-years-old man, during the external Lingam Massage, I used Mantra Delaying Cords (MDC) to control his ejaculation. When he was about to ejaculate, I paused it… At this point, he felt a portion of orgasm (he gained a Dry-orgasm); I rebuilt some sensation again… then he felt about to ejaculate soon… I used MDC to delay it again and… again and again… He had 6 times Dry-orgasms (he felt 6-time orgasms without ejaculation). My highest record for this was 11 times was with another client. 
    During stimulating his prostate, I massaged his 4 G-spots and prostate, he gained Multiple-wet-full-body-orgasms by ejaculating twice.
    In all, he had 7 sessions with me and started to learn to use breathing to control his ejaculation.
  • Mr. C, a 47-years-old man. I served him in 40 sessions since 2011 and even learned some things from him. He had already experienced and enjoyed Prostate Massage very much before we met.
    Before I found 4 G-spots, he could achieve the most kind of orgasms. But now, we make more. When I stimulated his prostate and 4 G-spots, there was some transparent jelly secreted out. It’s a different type of secretion. I only see it from him. By continuing to stimulate the area again, he ejaculated water with great power…, the water was shooting out… He started squirting… Wow, I couldn’t believe that a man could do this and was caused by me. Amazing!


I had never experienced and was frankly not convinced about female squirting before, but from that moment I believed.

I’ve seen men having so much pleasure during my session every day. When the prostate and the 4 G-spots in the stimulation, the anus is like a vagina in motion. So women must have those G-spots as well, they must have! After I’ve done some tests and found out that women have 5 G-spots and the locations are pretty much as the same as in men…!

In Mantra Gym, I pass all my skills to you, to the world. Because I’d love everyone to know themselves as well as possible and to enjoy our body’s natural pleasure, whether you are a woman or a man, single or…. You will benefit from the Mantra Gym and can become a more attractive person. You may use the skills for yourself or for your partner to develop your full sexuality as a human being. The value of Mantra Gym is not only about the G-spots.

What I have written here is just an appetizer. You’ve got to check what other sexuality that I discovered now!

And I’ve sensed there are 2 more G-spots in women. I hope you will be inspired by Mantra Gym and on your journey to exploring the other 2 G-spots for me. Are you going to take over from me? Well, first you’ve got to read our Mantra Gym now!

By |2023-01-14T13:34:46+08:00April 7th, 2016|

How I Made Mantra Gym

How I Made Mantra Gym

I’m so glad…  after more than nine months of hard work, my book has finally been published. I put my passion, my love, and my knowledge into the book.

In December 2013, from the moment that I decided to create Mantra Gym, it has never been off my mind for a single moment. There is a need inside me to pass my message on. I have been through some major changes in my life, but nothing compares to becoming an author or writing a book like this.  It has been the biggest challenge in my life.

Over four years ago, I started plans to publish my skills. At that time the thought was not Mantra Gym, it was Mantra Therapy. All that time, I believed my skill would be useful to people. I wanted to teach people how to give a proper manhood massage.  I constructed a script and a video to demonstrate how to perform Mantra Therapy. However, when I reviewed the footage, I changed my mind and didn’t want to publish it. All because of my hands. I just felt like that pair of hands in the video were not mine. I felt my hands were not nice to look at. I wished they were slim with long beautiful fingers, even though I had been told millions of times how wonderful and amazing my hands are, I still could not continue.

Now that I look back on those scripts and footage, I must thank my hands. If I gave a review of those outcomes, I would have thought they were made by a high school student. The results now are much more mature, especially during the last nine months while creating Mantra Gym, I have gained a greater working knowledge of the Third Level Orgasm (Ejaculation). I have put a lot of thought and time during my practice into focusing on this part, concentrating on how to show readers about it… well, it turns out now that I have become proficient at controlling (delaying) ejaculation (most of the time) in order to achieve Multiple-ejaculations (Dry-ejaculation).

I remember that I only made a double Wet-ejaculation (happened again in 4-5 seconds after the first) one time, it was a long time ago (maybe five years back) and it just happened. I can’t say that it happened on purpose. After that, no matter how I tried to make it happen again, it wouldn’t work. Now it happens often…I am able to delay the ejaculation to achieve Multiple-ejaculations since I have discovered the locations of the male G-spots in the Y-zone.

This is different from delaying ejaculation to achieve Multiple-orgasms (Dry-orgasm) which I have been able to do since 1999.

So let’s thank my hands together. Let’s discover our amazing body’s sensual abilities together. I do believe once you read and practice Mantra Gym, you will discover a new you. When you enhance your sensual activities, you will be able to achieve even more than I would be able to help you with. Some part (both mentally and physically) will always belong to you.

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By |2022-02-06T19:58:12+08:00September 10th, 2014|